Cricket Club Relocation Site​

Our proposed new cricket club site will offer modern facilities, including improved pitches, training areas, and a clubhouse providing better access and opportunities for community events and local engagement that caters to all age groups and abilities. Below you can view the cricket club relocation site proposal and the benefits associated with this.

Cricket Club Relocation Site Proposal

The scheme detailed below is the result of earlier pre-application meetings and consultation with Club Design Ltd, England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and Sports England.

Muller Property Group have undertaken an initial scoping exercise showing a proposed layout for the cricket club relocation site.

Cricket Club Relocation Site Facilities

The new facilities proposed on the 2.06ha (5.1 acres) site demonstrate scope for development that include:

  • Improved pitches on a 122m x 112m cricket square with 8 senior & 6 junior match wickets, to meet The England and Wales Cricket Board’s Technical Specification No 4
  • An ECB approved artificial grass match wicket
  • Training areas and a 3 lane practice net area, installed by ECB approved contractors to meet ECB Technical Specification No. 6, complete with relocated net cage surrounds and netting from the existing club’s site
  • A new state-of-the-art cricket pavilionproviding better access and opportunities for community events and local engagement. With a floor area approximately 314 sq m it will include: social spaces, kitchen and bar, changing rooms and garage, complete with an electronic scoreboard, and patio areas
  • 38 car parking spaces. Of these 6 will be blue badge spaces and a proportion are intended to have electric vehicle charging infrastructure
  • Cycle parking storage facilities
  • External landscaping, gated access and associated highways infrastructure
Proposed Cricket Pavilion Elevation

Cricket Club Relocation Site Benefits

The proposed new location for our club will benefit from the following:

Health and Safety:

The new site will significantly enhance safety by mitigating the risk of cricket balls hitting houses and residents. 

With a larger relocation site of 2.06ha (5.1 acres) and ball hitting distances not affecting surrounding residents, safety concerns will be significantly reduced providing a secure environment for all. 

A Boundary Risk Assessment has been carried out in consultation with the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) along with a supporting diagram that illustrates safe ball hitting distances around the site boundary with no houses and residents being affected, mitigating all risk.

Ball hitting distances at 63.7m

Enhanced Facilities:

The new site will offer modern facilities, including improved pitches, training areas, and a clubhouse that caters to all age groups and abilities. The new site will also include secure gated access and ample parking for the benefit of all visitors.

Community Engagement:

The new location will provide better access and opportunities for community events and local engagement. By renting out the facilities for occasions such as; Meetings, Classes, Birthdays, Social Events, Christenings, Local Fetes and other Sporting Activities, the club can ensure a future revenue source to support its long-term vision of the cricket club as a cornerstone of the Aston community. 


Our vision includes eco-friendly designs and sustainable practices to reduce our environmental footprint. Some of these include: 

  • A carbon neutral cricket pavilion
  • Measuring and reducing energy use 
  • Increasing biodiversity across the site to support plants and wildlife by creating natural habitats
  • Promoting and supporting the use of active travel (walking, cycling), public transport or car sharing.
  • Providing charging facilities for e-bikes and other electric vehicles
  • Measuring and reducing mains water use by following guidance for irrigation from ECB and the Grounds Management Association (GMA)
  • Minimising waste through responsible purchasing and reuse, such as relocated the existing club’s site net cage surrounds and netting
  • Supporting the care, re-use and sharing of existing kit and equipment

We value the opinions and insights of our community

Scope of Submission

Going forward a comprehensive design and technical team have been tasked with reviewing and advising on the development proposals for the site. 

The planning application is anticipated to be informed by the following disciplines:

Air Quality
Biodiversity Net Gain
Assessment of Noise Impacts
Contaminated Land
Ecology & Wildlife
Energy and Sustainability
Flood Risk and Drainage
Landscape and Visual Impact
Footpath Connectivity & Pedestrian and Cycle Accessibility
Transport & Traffic
Playing Field & Boundary/Ball Strike Risk